Tuesday 17 June 2014


health benefits of cucumber
health benefits of cucumber
Here are some Benefits of cucumbers:
  1. Cucumber fights heat, both inside and out. 
  2. It helps to relief from heartburn.
  3. Cucumber get relief from sunburn on our skin.
  4. Cucumber flushes out toxins and dissolve kidney stones.
  5. It contain vitamins. A B and C, which boost immunity and give energy. It contain magnesium, potassium and silicon. 
  6. Cucumber aids in weight loss. 
  7. Revives the eyes. 
  8. Cucumber cuts cancer, it act as cancer fighter.
  9. It maintain blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetics, both high and low.
  10. Cucumber juice refreshes and heals diseased gums, leaving mouth smelling,  Refreshes the mouth. 
  11. It contain plenty of fibers, thus it helps digestion
  12. I helps in proper growth of hair and nails. 
  13. Soothes muscle and joint pain. 
  14. Helps in proper function of kidneys.

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