Saturday 21 December 2013

Pineapple juice പൈനാപ്പിൾ ജ്യൂസ്‌

Pineapple juice 
           Pineapple juice is a delicious and healthy drink. It contains bromelain, which aids digestion, making it ideal for finishing a meal. Pineapple juice is also filled with vitamin C. Your juice will be free of preservatives, but most importantly, the juice will be fresh and nutritious.

For this video, please visit the following link..........
1.     A large pineapple
2.     Sugar – 2tsp.
3.     Water – ½ cup. ( optional)
4.     Ice cubes (optional). 
Method of Preparation:
1.Cut the leaf top off from the pineapple, then trim the skin from the sides.
2. Put the small pieces of pineapple into the blender/juicer.
3. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar.
4. Add some water. This step is optional.
5. Blend for about 1-3 minutes.
6. Pour the blended pineapple juice in the glass.
7. Add some ice cubes or cool it.
8. Serve and enjoy.

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