Monday 6 January 2014

Bread Omlet

Bread Omlet
     Bread omlet is an easy and tasty breakfast dish. Let’s see how we can prepare this……
For video of this recipe, please visit the following link...........

1.     Eggs-3 nos.
2.     Bread – 6 slices.
3.     Onions-1 cup.
4.     Tomato-1/4 cup (optional).
5.     Ground Black Pepper-2 tsp.
6.     Green Chillies-2 nos (optional).
7.     Coriander leaves-2 tbsp.
8.     Curry leaves.
9.     Salt to taste.
10.   Oil-3 tsp.
11.   Mint paste – 2 tsp. ( optional).
Methods of Preparation:
1. Add chopped onions, tomatoes, green chillies, curry leaves, coriander leaves and salt in a bowl and mix well. 
2.  Break the eggs and beat well. 
3.  Heat the oil in a pan put on a medium gas flame. 
4.  Slightly toast both sides of the breads.
5.  Pour the egg mix into the pan and spread it evenly.
6. Transfer the toasted breads over the egg mixture, sprinkle some pepper powder, then toss it once the base turns slightly golden brown or cooked.
7. Once the both the sides of the omlet are cooked, sprinkle some more pepper powder, remove it from the pan.
8.  You can also apply mint paste over the omlet ( it is optional).
9.  Serve it hot.  

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